The following enums are available globally.
The type of event logged
- transferCompleted: When a transfer has finished
- fileShared: When a file was shared with you
- transferFromRSSError: When a transfer failed to download from an RSS feed
- zipCreated: When a ZIP file was generated
- unknown: The event type was unable to be parsed
public enum EventType
Represents the status of a file’s MP4 conversion
- unknown: We weren’t able to get the status from the API
- unavailable: There is currently no MP4 available for the file
- queued: An MP4 has been requested and is currently awaiting conversion
- preparing: Preparations are being made to enable the file to be converted
- converting: The MP4 is currently being converting
- finishing: The file has finished converting and Put.io are finalising and saving the file
- completed: The MP4 has finished converting and is now available
public enum MP4Status
Represents errors that can occur when accessing the Put.io API
- couldNotParseJSON: There was an error parsing the JSON from the API
- noAccessToken: An access token was not provided so this endpoint could not be called
- invalidStatusCode: The expected status code was not returned
public enum PutioError: Error
The file format of subtitle.
- srt: Default. SRT file format.
- webvtt: webVTT file format used by things like Chromecast.
public enum SubtitleFormat: String
Where the subtitle was obtained from
- folder: An SRT file with an identical name as the video
- mkv: Subtitles are extracted from an MKV file
- opensubtitles: The sutitles were fetched from OpenSubtitles
public enum SubtitleSource
The current status of a transfer
- downloading: The transfer is currently in progress
- inQueue: The transfer is queued and will be started shortly
- completed: The transfer has completed
- cancelled: The transfer was manually cancelled
public enum TransferStatus